Donation Tool Videos

This series of videos will walk you through the FBM Donation Tool, how to use it and how to configure it to maximize your donations.

Donation Tool Overview

This video provides a basic overview of the FBM Donation Tool.

Recording a Cash Donation

This video shows you how to process a cash donation.

Recording a Check

This video show you how to record a check donation.

Recording a Clothing Donation

This video shows you how to record clothing donation.

Recording a Credit Card Donation

This video shows you how to process a credit card donation.

Recording a Food Donation

This video shows you how to process a food donation.

Recording a Gift Card Donation

This video shows you how to record a gift card donation.

Recording a Goods Donation

This video shows you how to process a donation of goods.

Recording a Motor Vehicle Donation

This video shows you how to record a gift of a motor vehicle.

Recording a Services Donation

This video shows you how to record a gift of services.

Donation Tool Settings & Fields

This video shows you how to configure the donation tool.

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